The Folly of Forgetfulness | A Prayer Series, Day VI

We remember the childhood trek through the store,

when mommy and daddy faded from sight.

We scurried and scrambled and shook just a bit

and they found us again down the next isle.

We remember the more serious journeys of youth,

the ones that led down dark paths.

We scurried and scrambled and shook a bit more,

and the way out was found after a while.

Now we a grown, big, and mature,

and our seasons of loss are the same.

And we do not see the way out.

But the theme of our past

stings brutally with the truth:

Your eyes have not left us, not once.

In each flight of fear,

In each journey of darkness

In each season of pain,

Your eyes have not left us, not once.

Though we have forgotten,

You never have.

And so we ask,



and undeservingly,

that You might make us among the remembering ones,

even as You have always remembered us.

Would you punctuate the dialogue of our lives

with pause and reflection

that we might, in every season,

recall Your goodness that carried us there.

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