Hi, friend. I’m Amy. And I’m so glad you’re here.
There are fewer places I have felt more at home than in a seminary classroom.
I loved studying the Bible in-depth, learning how theological concepts connected to every-day life, and digging beyond the surface to mine God’s Word for the riches that it offers. But when I graduated, I found myself constantly disappointed with daily studies and devotionals. I found that they either offered six quick solutions for spiritual life (and they never worked for me) or, if they did study the Bible in-depth, they took 90 minutes each day (something my working and parenting life couldn’t afford).
And so I decided to put my training to work.
What I have created is a small series of verse-by-verse Bible studies that help everyday Christians go deep in God’s Word, connect their theology to their daily life of discipleship, and do it all in about 20 minutes of study each day. Each study offers fives days of study each week and includes the nerdy stuff of Bible study – like book overview studies, word studies that deal with Greek and Hebrew, literary genre, and more. All of this can be summed up in one word: exegesis. It’s formal name for studying God’s Word verse-by-verse, and I promise you this: once you’ve tried it, you won’t want to study any other way.
I wrote a theology book. Woot!
Out of my deep desire to share good theology in an approachable and accessible way, I wrote Fix Your Eyes: How Theology Shapes our Worship. It’s structured like a systematic theology (taking one theological topic per chapter), giving an overview of each topic, and showing how that theological concept finds its feet in our daily lives of worship and discipleship. I’d love for you to order it or learn more here.
I’m a writer … but not just a writer. I’m also a wife, mother and church planter with my sweet family here in Greenville, NC. We love our little life here, and we’ve loved buying our first home, putting down roots, and planting Trinity Church Greenville (a non-denominational church plant) for the glory of God and the good of our city. You can follow along with our family on Instagram, or join my email list to stay in touch.
PS: Want to know more about what I believe? Read my Statement of Faith.