My Favorite Postpartum Purchases
I’m approaching the due date (tomorrow!) for baby boy, which means I just ordered all my postpartum items. Recovery with my last was really difficult. I didn’t prepare as I should have, and my recovery took much longer as a result. This time, I feel a bit more like I know what I’m doing. I know what to expect a bit more than I did with my first (or second!), and I’ve also used a lot of helpful items and unhelpful items for recovery.
Per regular request, here is my roundup of what I’m ordered for baby #3! If you want to access everything all in one place you can find them on my Amazon storefront. Individual links below!

Nursing Bra — one of the best for large busts!
Leak Proof Underwear — made for periods, but helpful for postpartum
Mother’s Milk Tea — my milk has struggled to come in initially in the past, so I’m using this tea as a helpful (and yummy) support
Disposable Undies — for the first week!
High Waisted Breathable Undies — So many undies, ha! But these are great for after the bleeding stops but the cramping has continued.
Tucks Cooling Pads — I love these. I have used them for both of my first deliveries.
Dermoplast Spray — Great for the first week, especially when you’re scared to use the bathroom. 🙂
Herbal Cramp AfterEase — These postpartum cramps get worse each pregnancy, but this AfterEase is soothing and helps (a little)
Bamboo Pajamas — For all the rest! These are super soft. I sized up for comfortable postpartum rest.
Breathable Pajamas — I do like cotton, and these have an elastic neck for nursing.
Ruffle Cotton PJs — These are thinner than the first set, but they’re very soft and very comfortable.
Brewers Yeast (for lactation balls) — Brewers yeast is known to help with lactation, but I cannot tolerate the taste on its own. So I make energy bites for the freezer, add this, and they become lactation balls!