Emerson’s Big Girl Room – Mood Board
Emerson has recently transitioned from her crib permanently into her big girl bed! It has been so much fun to watch her transition. She is a sensitive girl, and takes his transition slowly. But it has been so fun to watch her grow!
For several months both her big girl bed and her crib were still in her room. It wasn’t my favorite! The room fell crowded, the woods didn’t match, and it wasn’t conducive to her moving forward and taking ownership of her space. Plus, I recently completed her quilt! This is now part of her bedding and I want to make a few tweaks to her room that will make this quilt a centerpiece. Not only because she loves it so much, but because I’m pretty proud of it!
Here are two looks I was inspired by:

And here is where I am at in designing Emerson’s big girl room (more on how I created this mood board below):

When I started looking for inspiration for little girls rooms, a lot of it felt out of reach. But I feel like I found a few ideas that are doable for me. I’m currently scouring Facebook marketplace for a wardrobe or an armoire but I can paint and make her princess dress storage! Right now we have all of her princess dresses in a large drawer in our family room, and we would take much better care of them if they were in a wardrobe.

We bought two minnen Ikea toddler beds a few months ago. We don’t have an IKEA nearby, so when family members for making the trip up there I asked them to pick up to you. I love this price point, but I love even more that the beds are adjustable. They can start out very small, very similar to what Emerson was used to in her crib. And at the smallest size the rails on the bedframe serve to help her stay in her bed without falling or rolling out. Then, when the time comes, we can adjust it to a full twin bed. The mattress we bought adjusts as well! Here is the challenge of this bedframe. The side bars are great to keep her in bed, but no quilt can lay over the edge of the bed. It Hass to be tucked in the whole time! This wasn’t a challenge I was expecting! See the kind of bedding people put on these beds? I think I’m going to get her and under the mattress skirt to make the bed feel a bit more feminine. And then we will fold her quilt episode of her bed. The base may simply be a sheet!

To help conceptualize the design (before making any purchases) I created this design board in canva. I added all her existing room items (the rocker, art, bed, side table, etc) and added screen shots of the fabric I used in her quilt. This way I can see how it will all look together. I also arranged it roughly in the pattern of her room!

One furniture piece that is not super aesthetic but is absolutely essential for this room is the nugget couch. The girls play on this every single day! With her crate out of the way we have much easier access to it.
I really wanted this light fixture from Pottery Barn, but it has black hardware, and the rest of her room has brass. So I had to pass on it. But I found the one pictured above from Target for just $45 on Ebay, and I think it will accomplish the same thing.
I found these scalloped edging pieces on Etsy, and I’m wondering if I can DIY adding them to her current wall bookshelves to achieve the same girly look that the original light fixture would have added. What do you think?

I know this isn’t the typical type of post that you’re used to reading from me. But it is something that I love! I love design because, I think inherently, we all love beauty. When we cultivate in our homes the beauty that God has placed in this world, we are actually holding onto the goodness of God every tangible way. We can hang a simple print on the wall that reminds us of God’s goodness and the beauty he has made in this world. We are actually setting before our eyes the goodness of the Lord. The problem is if we make these beautiful items the object of our worship. Instead, we get to turn our eyes gladly to the Lord and let him be the object of our desires. One of the ways I cultivate this practice in my heart is that whenever I see a beautiful space in my home, I express my gratitude to God. I tell the Lord how much I love it he made this world beautiful. I thank him for allowing me to have beautiful things in my home. And I ask him too deep in my gladness over this theological truth: he himself is beautiful.